Anger, Anger!

Anger can range from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. Physically, it may lead to tightness in your chest, increased heart rate and blood pressure, a spike of adrenaline, flushed skin and even headaches.

Many of us are not taught how to deal with anger properly. Often anger is treated as a ‘bad’ emotion. Is this true? Anger is a valid emotion that needs to be released in a safe manner. It becomes uncontrollable and toxic if we keep it bottled inside. Eventually, toxic emotions can lead to illness. We don’t want that!

Anger is often a sign of other underlying emotions such as fear, frustration, helplessness, or sadness.

It is usually expressed in several ways, from being aggressive (think of hitting or throwing things), passive-aggressive (blaming others, sulking) to suppressive (being resentful, in denial) – these are all unhealthy manifestations and can lead to further issues such as problems at work, in your personal relationships and in the overall quality of your life. Being assertive is a better way by confronting others kindly, conveying frustration and not insisting on being right. 

What are some strategies you can put in place to manage your anger?

  • Deep diaphragmic breathing helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system

  • EFT Tapping – ‘Even though I feel really angry, I could scream, I am so angry, I deeply and completely accept the way I feel….’

  • Take timeout and go for a walk

  • Get some exercise

  • Identify possible solutions

  • Once you are calm, express your anger in a kind manner, sticking to ‘I’ statements

  • Don’t hold a grudge (does this matter the next day, week, month or year?)

  • Use humour to release tension

  • Know when to seek help 

Learning to control anger is a challenge. Seek help if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do things you regret or hurt those around you. Both Kinesiology and EFT Tapping are wonderful modalities that will support you emotionally, mentally, physically and energetically.



Melanie Herzog is an AKA accredited holistic Kinesiologist, Advanced EFT Practitioner & Life Coach and the Founder of Inner West Kinesiology, based in Russell Lea, Sydney’s Inner West.

Melanie is passionate about supporting clients achieve their health and wellness goals. Her mission is to empower people finding their purpose and living a fulfilling and joyous life free from anxiety.

For more information, please visit and use the Book Now button to schedule in your complimentary 30 minutes discovery call or book an appointment.