‘Have you run your bars yet?’

What is it like to receive an Access Bars® session?

‘Huh? My what?’ That’s exactly what I said when I first came across Access Bars®. It was my sister-in-law, a wonderful energy practitioner in Switzerland who introduced me first to this amazing modality. I haven’t looked back since and I am so grateful to share this gift with YOU.

Imagine to just hit a delete button that will release negative thought patterns and mental chatter that keeps you awake at night? The release and letting go will create space in your brain for you to receive and get the calm you have been seeking. That’s what running the bars can feel like..

Access Bars® Treatment

Access Bars® is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on method that was first developed by author and speaker Gary M. Douglas in the 1990s. It’s a holistic complementary therapy that activates the body’s innate ability to self heal. It calms the mind and relaxes the body. By gently touching 32 points on your head, you effortlessly and easily release anything that does not allow you to receive. Running the Bars allows for the electromagnetic charge that has been generated by all your thoughts, feelings, emotions and your views to dissipate and in some instances to completely dissolve.

Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and life, including sleep, health & weight, money, relationships, anxiety, depression, stress and so much more.
I have had many clients comment how clear they feel after a Bars session. Some say it feels like a massive weight has lifted off their shoulders. Others love the nurturing they receive and feel incredibly relaxed or they simply feel a sense of happiness and contentment. My anxious and depressed clients have noticed a big shift too. In fact, there has been research that shows improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms by 84.7% and 82.7% respectively after a 90 minutes Bars treatment. This could be YOU! My own personal experience has been wonderful, and I feel at peace and very much take moment by moment, free of worries.

What if there was an easy way to get happy?

Are you ready to hit the delete button and press receive? Come and have your bars run and find out what it’s all about. As the founder of Access Consciousness Gary Douglas famously said: At worst you'll feel like you've had a great massage. Best case scenario, your whole life will change into something greater with total ease.

This modality is suitable for everyone and kids benefit greatly from it too.

For the science lovers, Access Bars® is backed by published scientific research. Research was conducted in 2015 by leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin who examined the neurological effects. He discovered that the Bars has a positive neurological effect on the recipient similar to those experienced by advanced meditators, producing results immediately.

Review of Bars treatment by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin

The Effect of Bars treatment on Anxiety & Depression with Dr. Dain Heer and Dr. Terrie Hope

Access Bars® and Regulation Thermometry Dr. Lisa Cooney